Back to The Concorde ...
We were delighted to be back at such a prestigious venue so soon after our previous visit, although sorry to be without Eddie Edwards - currently hospitalised, though promising to be back in action as soon as possible. Keith Hall was depping for him on this occasion and gave a very good account of himself on both banjo and guitar - we counted ourselves lucky to have obtained his services at such short notice.
Thanks to a recent (and rather rare!) rehearsal, we had some new numbers to try out on the Concorde's sophisticated clientele, and, much to our relief, we managed to get away with (among others) Cotton Club Stomp #1, which recently joined Cotton Club Stomp #2 in our repertoire ... dyed-in-the-wool Ellington fans will surely understand - others will scratch their heads in bewilderment!
As always here, the dancing was of exceptionally high quality, and demonstrated the youthful athleticism of the dancers ... if only we band members could borrow some of that energetic bounce! Fortunately, we were fuelled as always by the Concorde's excellent sandwiches, fries and coffee, and kindly looked after by Cole and Louis (the latter, as usual, signalling the imminent arrival of the sandwich tray!). The stern presence of Cole, however, prevented Louis receiving too many foodie offerings from doting musicians ...
Thanks for the invitation! We look forward, as always, to our next visit!